Welcome to the website of the Alliance for Conservation Tree Genomics (ACTG)!
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ACTG conducts tree conservation and genomics research with the aim of understanding and conserving biological diversity. In recognition of the urgency of rapid biological assessments on the ground and the pressing need for skilled researchers to conserve and study biodiversity, we also provide training and workshops in genomics, molecular systematics, floristics and associated fields using the latest advances. On these pages you can find information on our past and ongoing projects, announcements of upcoming meetings and conference talks/posters, our workshops and new publications by the Alliance. For a chronological overview of our work and activities, please check out our CVs, workshop and project pages, and browse our publication overview.
Breaking news Spring 2024!
Conservation and range restoration of ten threatened Fagaceae species in Laos and Vietnam
Supported by funding from the Franklinia Foundation, we will be undertaking a 3-year project (2024-2027) with regional partners in Laos and Vietnam to cultivate and conserve ten threatened species of Fagaceae. This will be realised through a combination of ex situ cultivation programs at various partner sites, and in situ strengthening of populations in selected protected areas and their buffer zones. More project information will be made available here soon here.
Breaking news June 2023!
Conservation Gap Analyses of Asia’s Oak species
Over the next 3 years, The Morton Arboretum, in partnership with the Alliance for Conservation Tree Genomics, and Botanic Gardens Conservation International, will be conducting conservation gap analyses on the native oaks of Asia. This has previously been done for oaks native to the United States (2016-2019, report here https://mortonarb.org/science/projects/conservation-gap-analysis-of-native-u-s-oaks/). For more information on the project, please visit the project page here.
News March 2023!
Late 2022, Dr Joeri Strijk was invited to attend the International Conservation Symposium 2023 organized by the Ecological Society of Taiwan and the National Forestry Department. The meeting, entitled ‘The Ecological Value and Plant Diversity of Southeastern Taiwan”, was organized in March 2023 in Taipei and featured Taiwanese and International experts from the International Oak Society, the Global Conservation Consortium for Oaks, and Botanic Gardens Conservation International. The meeting, stretching out over 11 days, involved joint vegetation surveys of highly diverse forest sites and discussions on species persistence, the critical threats facing plant diversity, and the obstacles to conservation efforts in southeastern Taiwan. The visit was closed with a full-day symposium and press conference in Taipei. You can read the whole article and trip report on the website of the International Oak Society (IOS) here. Species pages for all taxa found on Taiwan can be viewed by clicking here.

News January 2023!
A new species from the Fagaceae family, Castanopsis corallocarpus Tan & Strijk, is described from Royal Belum State Park in Peninsular Malaysia. In our latests publication, we provide technical illustrations, colour images and a description of its conservation status and the collecting locality, in addition to a comparative analysis with other species in the region. The solitary nut of C. corallocarpus has a morphologically unique cupule, lined with rows of thick coral-like spines not seen in other Castanopsis species. You can read the whole article on PhytoKeys click here or visit the new species page for Castanopsis corallocarpus by clicking here.