
ACTG contact information:

Alliance for Conservation Tree Genomics, Kuala Lumpur, 43500, Selangor, Malaysia.

For all questions and inquiries regarding ACTG and our work, please contact us:

by email: jsstrijk -@-


on Blue Sky @ACTGenomics


In recognition of the urgent need for on-the-ground conservation and research efforts in the mega-diverse tropics, ACTG has partnered research efforts with global organizations such as BGCI and local centers of plant research and conservation in partner countries in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. We coordinate our work in the region, positioning ourselves, with our partners, on the front-line of biodiversity and conservation research, in one of Southeast Asia’s least studied regions. By coordinating our research efforts from within the region, we provide support to Lao and other partners in becoming a driving green force, helping them to secure a sustainable and knowledge-driven future and preserve their rich natural and cultural diversity.

ACTG is grateful to be partnered through projects, funding support and collaborative agreements with (click the logo to visit their website):