Following the successful completion of the Gap Analyses for Native US oaks in 2019 (link here), work is now underway to apply the approach to the threatened oaks of Asia. Supported by the information compiled in the 2020 Global Oak Red List Report (link here), oaks assessed as threatened (Vu,En,Cr) in SE Asia, in addition to a subset of Data Deficient (DD) and several exceptional species in Asia, will be analyzed for conservation actions and challenges, coverage of populations in (un)protected areas and presence in ex situ collections. As part of this project (2023-2026), project members of BGCI, Morton Arboretum and ACTG will be actively seeking out project partners who can contribute to detailed assessments of selected threatened oak species’ conservation status. If you have not been contacted yet, and would like to know more or would like to contribute to the project, please get in touch with us through the ACTG contact page. Thank you!